Seating and mobility considerations for people with spinal cord injury

Minkel, J. L.: Seating and mobility considerations for people with spinal cord injury. I: Physical Therapy, 2000(80(7)), s. 701-709.Language: Engelsk

Summary: This clinical perspective describes a model that includes consideration of the person, the wheelchair, the immediate environment between the person and the wheelchair, the intermediate environment of the home and work, and the community environment. The seated posture is examined biomechanically, and literature is reviewed that highlights the differences in the seated position of people with spinal cord injuries and people without spinal cord injuries. Reports regarding overuse injuries of the shoulder and wrists are discussed along with methods of relieving pressure at the buttock and seat interface. The impact that research findings should have on current clinical practice and the need for more research to provide evidence to either support or change current practice are discussed.

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