How Cognitive Assistive Technology can be useful for and a Benefit to persons with Dementia in their Daily Living. Guidelines for Service Delivery of Cognitive Assistive Technology to persons with Dementia

Jensen, L.; MÃ¥nsson, I.; Holthe, T.; Hurnasti, T.; Indridadottir, B.: How Cognitive Assistive Technology can be useful for and a Benefit to persons with Dementia in their Daily Living. Guidelines for Service Delivery of Cognitive Assistive Technology to persons with Dementia. I: Eizmendi, G.; Craddock, G. M. (Red), Challenges for assistive technology: AAATE 07, 2007, s. 227-232.Language: Engelsk

Summary: 25 persons with the diagnosis of dementia and/or their relatives as well as professionals from service delivery of assistive technology were interviewed about their experiences on the assessment of need for cognitive assistive devices, the implementation and the use of these assistive devices in the daily life.

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