Wheelchair seating intervention. Results from a client-centred approach

Samuelsson, K.; Larsson, H.; Thyberg, M.; Gerdle, B.: Wheelchair seating intervention. Results from a client-centred approach. I: Disability and Rehablilitation, 2001(23/15), s. 677-682.Language: Engelsk

Summary: The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of wheelchair intervention from a client-centred perspective. Method: Results from 38 consecutive active wheelchair users visiting the wheelchair-seating department at the University Hospital in Linköping, Sweden, were analysed and described. All clients had defined problems related to wheelchair seating. Back pain was estimated before intervention and at follow-up, using a Visual Analogue Scale. The effect of intervention on different aspects of wheelchair functionality, seating and occupational performance was estimated by the clients at follow-up. Results: Two initial main problem areas were identified among the group; seating discomfort (87%) and back pain (63%). Back pain was significantly reduced at follow-up (p<0.001). Problems initially defined by the clients, e.g. seating discomfort, were affected positively, in 79% of all clients, as estimated by the clients at follow-up. No significant correlation was found between the initial cause of intervention or the highest ranked wheelchair functionality aspect and final acceptance of intervention. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study confirm the possibility of reducing, or even eliminating, common secondary problems such as back pain and discomfort, related to wheelchair seating by individually adjusted measures. Further research and development in this field is both necessary and cost-effective.

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