Phonic Ear A/S - all product groups

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PowerTel 196  - example from the product group stationary standard network telephones

Stationary standard network telephones

Stationary standard network telephones with special features, e.g. large keys or built-in teleloop.

Swissvoice Xtra 2355  - example from the product group standard network telephones with portable receiver

Standard network telephones with portable receiver

Standard network telephones with wireless receiver and special features, e.g. large display or built-in teleloop.

Wake n Shake Vintage  - example from the product group visual table watches

Visual table watches

Table watches with easy-to-see hands and daches. Included are table watches with functions to remind about the time through sound and/or light and/or vibration. E.g. alarm clocks. Does not include tactile watches or talking watches.

Puzzle Flash Pro  - example from the product group indicators with visual signals

Indicators with visual signals

Devices that indicate with light or other visual signal that something is happening in the place where the transmitter is. They can transform, e.g. audible signal to visual signal; Included are, e.g., electronic babysitters, door signals, door signal indicators and door warners.

Signolux receiver S  - example from the product group indicators with acoustic signals

Indicators with acoustic signals

Devices that indicate with sound that something is happening in the place where the transmitter is. They can transform, e.g., visual signal to audible signal or they can increase the volume of a normal device. Included are, e.g., rain indicators and computer-signal indicators.

SmarShaker 3  - example from the product group indicators with mechanical signals

Indicators with mechanical signals

Devices that indicate with tactile signal that something is happening in the place where the transmitter is. They can transform, e.g. audible or visual signal to vibration or other tactile signal. Included are, e.g., indicating devices with vibration.

Signolux Soundmonitor  - example from the product group accessories for indicators

Accessories for indicators

Included are transmittors, repeaters and other accessories for indicators with visual, acoustic or mechanical signals.

Signolux,gateway for smokealarm, Alarmo  - example from the product group environmental emergency alarm systems

Environmental emergency alarm systems

Included are, e.g. fire alarms, smoke detectors, alarm systems with internal transmitter.