Butik KIK - all product groups
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Pocket boards
Boards for writing Braille characters by hand.
Paper for persons with visual impairment
Writing paper with distinct lines or squares.
Devices recording and playback of sound in digital formats
Devices recording and/or playback of sound in digital formats, e.g. audiobooks, music and notes.
Cell phones with touch screen and operative system that allows it to run computer applications.
Stationary standard network telephones
Stationary standard network telephones with special features, e.g. large keys or built-in teleloop.
Standard network telephones with portable receiver
Standard network telephones with wireless receiver and special features, e.g. large display or built-in teleloop.
Mobile telephones
Mobile phones used for wireless calls on the public mobile network.
Telephone dialers
Devices designed to enter and to call a selection of telephone numbers chosen by the user.
Table watches with tactile dashes and hands
Table watches with tactile dashes and hands. Included are table watches with functions to remind about the time through sound and/or light and/or vibration. E.g. alarm clocks. Does not include easy-to-see watches and tactile watches.