Tele Call - all product groups
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Neck loops
Small loop systems for one person. With or without build in induction loop amplifier. With or without receiver- and transmitter systems.
Headsets with microphone
Body-worn loudspeakers placed near by or inside the ear. With microphone.
Electronic dialogue units for activating speech output with 4 or more options.
Symbol-based communication software
Applications which adapt the computer, tablet or smartphone into a communication device with symbol-based user interface and output in the form of text, speech or symbols.
Cell phones with touch screen and operative system that allows it to run computer applications.
Accessories for smartphones
Included are e.g. covers and external equipment that connects to a smartphone.
Stationary standard network telephones
Stationary standard network telephones with special features, e.g. large keys or built-in teleloop.
Standard network telephones with portable receiver
Standard network telephones with wireless receiver and special features, e.g. large display or built-in teleloop.
Mobile telephones
Mobile phones used for wireless calls on the public mobile network.