CEKURA A/S - all product groups

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EmporiaSMART.2  - example from the product group smartphones


Cell phones with touch screen and operative system that allows it to run computer applications.

EmporiaCLASSIC  - example from the product group mobile telephones

Mobile telephones

Mobile phones used for wireless calls on the public mobile network.

CEKURA Watch V  - example from the product group emergency alarm systems with two way speech

Emergency alarm systems with two way speech

Emergency alarm systems with access to communication between person in distress and a receiving person. The alarm can be send to a control center, a fixed line telephone or a mobile telephone.

Easy pressure compatible with q-series  - example from the product group mobile and bodyworn manual emergency calls

Mobile and bodyworn manual emergency calls

Wireless mobile or bodyworn transmitters activating an emergency call from the emergency alarm system by manual pressuring the emergency call button.

CEKURA GO - portable alarm device with GPS  - example from the product group body-worn automatic emergency calls

Body-worn automatic emergency calls

Wireless body-worn transmitters automatical activating an emergency call from the emergency alarm system. E.g. if a person falls or has a seizure.

Mounted emergency button  - example from the product group fixed manual emergency calls

Fixed manual emergency calls

Fixed transmitters activating an emergency call from the emergency alarm system by manual activation.

Sensor mat and non-slip carpet  - example from the product group non-body-worn automatic emergency calls

Non-body-worn automatic emergency calls

Sensor systems giving information about activity or inactivity, e.g. movements or move patterns in a specific location. Including fall detectors, bed alarms, activity sensors etc.

Water detector  - example from the product group environmental emergency alarm systems

Environmental emergency alarm systems

Included are, e.g. fire alarms, smoke detectors, alarm systems with internal transmitter.