Wash basins

Stationary or portable basins for water used when washing parts of the body. Height-adjustable plinths and brackets, see 18 15 06.
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Support Washbasin

Support Washbasin

The washbasin is available as fixed or height-adjustable (manual or electric) and is ideal for several users with individual needs. It has an integrated support grab that provides increased safety and security in the bathroom. Accessories: Cover that hides installations. Available as left or right and with side offset.

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MATRIX Angles curved front makes it ideal for installation in a corner or along a wall where space is limited. It is available either as a right or left-facing version. The integrated handrails offers maximum support when users in a wheelchair rise to a standing position. The vanity wash basins drip tray prevents water dripping onto the user.

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The MATRIX Large vanity wash basin has four integrated handrails: two at the sides and two at the front. The vanity wash basin has a linearly slope towards the drain outlet ensuring that water drains quickly from the vanity wash basin. The flat bottom ensures that wheelchair users can manoeuvre right under it and get comfortably close to the tap.

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Dock-in - Swing Washbasin

Dock-in - Swing Washbasin

Dock-in functions as a fixed parking spot for the Ropox Swing wash basin.
It gives extra shelf space but also a possibility to use the swing wash basin from fixed position, and support oneself towards it. The Dock-in is manually height adjustable - 15 cm.

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