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![Polypropylene transfer board Polypropylene transfer board](blobs/snet/56240.jpg)
Polypropylene transfer board
Transfer boards make it easier to move patients, e.g. from wheelchair to bed. The board can carry up to 100 kg, and is approved for transfers of up to 20 cm distance. The transfer board is made from durable white polypropylene. Available with two different widths: 65 cm and 80 cm.
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Borgmesterløkken 7B
6200 Aabenraa
+45 50 58 75 06
![Transfer board Transfer board](blobs/snet/47716.jpg)
Mobilex A/S
Grønlandsvej 5
8660 Skanderborg
+45 87 93 22 20
![Transferboard Transferboard](blobs/snet/54233.jpg)
Danish CARE Supply A/S
Alsikevej 8
8920 Randers NV
+45 22 11 86 16