HMI-no. - 105546

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Jaguar Indoor Rollator from Mobilex

Jaguar Indoor Rollator from Mobilex

Indoor walker
Stable and smart light weight rollator for indoor use.
Weight: 6.3 kg.
Colors: Orange, champagne, purple, blue
Easy to maneuver in tight spaces.
Easy to control and turn with just one hand. The rubber handle is ergonomically designed and can be easily adjusted
Provided with handbrake and parking brake
Supplied with a tray and a bag

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Jaguar Rollator for Indoor Use

Jaguar Rollator for Indoor Use

The Jaguar rollator is designed for indoor use, and is approved for a user-weight of up to 100 kg. The frame is made from aluminium ensuring low weight and stability, as a result, the rollator weight a total of only 6.6 kg. With its low weight, the rollator is very manoeuvrable. The handles can be adjusted in heights ranging from 83-102 cm.

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Indoor Walker

Indoor Walker

Walker for indoor use. Rollatoren kan foldes sammen.

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