HMI-no. - 127008

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Etac My-Loo fixed raised toilet seat with armsupports

Etac My-Loo fixed raised toilet seat with armsupports

My-Loo is a fixed toilet seat with height-adjustable armrests. My-Loo allows users with reduced mobility or balance problems to manage toilet visits independently and safely. The new well-designed toilet seat is easy to install and very user-friendly. When supporting legs are mounted the max. user weight is increased to 200 kg.

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Etac My-Loo toilet raiser

Etac My-Loo toilet raiser

Etac My-Loo is a fixed toilet seat, which is also suitable for wall-mounted toilets.
My-Loo has a design that fits into any bathroom environment. It has been developed with a focus on safety and support and has a armrest which gives the user a good experience.

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