HMI-no. - 135537

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Widex Charge n Clean Station

Widex Charge n Clean Station

Widex Charge n Clean Charging Station is a 3-in-1 charger that dries, disinfects and charges your hearing aids from Widex.
The drying function and light disinfection are healthy for your ears, which always receive clean hearing aids that are free of moisture. You therefore take good care of your ears with an all-in-one charging station.

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Widex RIC Charge n Clean

Widex RIC Charge n Clean

Take better care of your Widex rechargeable hearing aids with Widex Charge n Clean. During the charging process, the hearing aids are dried.
The 3-in-1 charger offers:
- 4-hour charge for full day use 30-min charge for 4-hour hearing aid use
- UV-C LED treatment eliminates up to 99.99 of bacteria, yeast and viruses

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