HMI-no. - 35240

HMI-no. 35240 is found in the following product series.
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Toilet seat raiser without lid

Toilet seat raiser without lid

Toilet seat raiser without lid. No tools are needed for installation. The current seat can be removed or put in upright position. Notice that it cannot be closed when the seat raiser is attached. The seat raiser is placed on the pan and are locked with finger screws in each side. The process takes less than a minute. Available as 5, 10 and 15 cm.

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Raised toilet seat without lid

Raised toilet seat without lid

The toilet seat is easy to clean as there are no corners where dirt and dust can settle out of reach. Furthermore, it can be sterilized by putting it in a water bath at 85 C for one minute.

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Raised toilet seat without lid

Raised toilet seat without lid

Very easy to mount.
Available in three different heights. (5 cm and 10 cm and 15 cm).

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