HMI-no. - 40322

HMI-no. 40322 is found in the following product series.
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Stocking aid, Butler

Stocking aid, Butler

Stocking removers make it easy to remove stockings - this applies to both ordinary stockings and compression stockings. The user avoids bending too much in the back, while at the same time limiting the effort used. Can also be used as a shoe horn.

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Medi Butler OFF - Taking off stockings

Medi Butler OFF - Taking off stockings

For pulling off the compression stocking

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Danish CARE Supply A/S
Alsikevej 8
8920 Randers NV

Sock remover, Butler Off

Sock remover, Butler Off

Butler Off is really easy to use. Very good if you suffer from back or hip problems. No matter how fast you do it, the sock will go off easily. Can be used for both right and left handed. Can also be used as a shoehorn.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg