HMI-no. - 43952

HMI-no. 43952 is found in the following product series.
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Indoor rollator, Lets Go

Indoor rollator, Lets Go

Lets go is specially designed for indoor use and is easy to maneuver.
The brake is both a friction and parking brake and can be operated with one hand. The walker equipped with a removable tray, and when the walker is inverted, it can advantageously be used as the tray / serving table.
Textile basket can be purchased separately.

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Lets Go

Lets Go

Simple, flexible indoor rollator. Easy to maneuvre, can be used in small spaces. Is delivered with detatchable plate for transport of cups etc. Soft handles which can be adjusted in height. Brake can be used with one hand. Easily foldable for storage. Can be supplied in several colours.

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A.P. Botved A/S
Nørrelundvej 5
2730 Herlev