HMI-no. - 69332

HMI-no. 69332 is found in the following product series.
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Vitility Foamgrips - 8 pcs

Vitility Foamgrips - 8 pcs

The foam grips can be used to thicken any type of handle, such as pens, pencils, cutlery or toothbrushes, making it easier to hold the object. Available in one length of 12 cm, with various inside measurements.

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K.C. Pedersen
Helgeshøj Alle 10 st. th
2630 Tåstrup

Rubber in 3 sizes

Rubber in 3 sizes

Rubber in 3 sizes. Set of 3. Length: 30 cm per piece. Ø 25/29/29 cm outside dimensions. Ø: 6 / 9, 5 / 20 mm internal goals. Anvedeligt for many things eg. cutlery, toothbrush, casserole spoon, paint brush etc.

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Mosgummi - black - 8 pcs.

Mosgummi - black - 8 pcs.

Moss rubber foam handle which can be used to thicken any kind of handle, such as pens, pencils, cutlery or toothbrushes. Moss rubber push handles make it easier to hold on to a given object.
Available in a length of 12 cm with different internal dimensions (3 pcs. 7 mm hole, 3 pcs. 10 mm hole and 2 pcs. 20 mm hole).

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