HMI-no. - 81731

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Tenura Silicone Anti Microbial Moulded Cup Holder

Tenura Silicone Anti Microbial Moulded Cup Holder

Tenura silicone anti microbial moulded cup holders work just like a coaster, but are fitted to the bottom of a drinking cup to ensure an anti slip base wherever you need it, and protect surfaces from hot liquids on the bottom of cups, mugs, beakers and tumblers, with easy removal for cleaning both cup and holder.

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K.C. Pedersen
Helgeshøj Alle 10 st. th
2630 Tåstrup

Cup holder, non-slip

Cup holder, non-slip

Make it easy to put the cup, mug or glass down, thereby making it non-slip.
Dimensions: Diameter 90mm, 35mm high
Red, blue or yellow
Made of 100 silicone, non-toxic
Non Toxic.
Without chemicals or substances such as phthalates that are banned or restricted in some parts of the EU.
Washable, including dishwasher and industrial dishwashers.

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Seniorshop ApS
Søborg Hovedgade 44
2860 Søborg