HMI-no. - 82511

HMI-no. 82511 is found in the following product series.
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LFM LED is a lightweight magnifier with an all-metal construction, LED light sources, and a flexible spring-balanced arm. The arm provides long reach and maximum vertical and horizontal movement, and will always stay in the right position without drifting. The flexibility of the joint between lamp head and arm makes exact positioning easy.

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Lysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre

Lamp LFM LED G2 Luxo

Lamp LFM LED G2 Luxo

Lamp with circular light on a light and usable arm with great flexibility. The lens is Ø127 mm.
A lamp with 50,000 hours corresponding to 25 years of normal use.

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JB Medico aps
Birkemosevej 3A
8361 Hasselager

Luxo LFM LED G2 3D lampe

LVI Danmark ApS
Hørkær 24, st. tv
2730 Herlev