HMI-no. - 82514

HMI-no. 82514 is found in the following product series.
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MaxEvent 2.1X

MaxEvent 2.1X

Special vision aid for using at public events such as the theatre and cinema. Large visual field (18). Temples can be adjusted without having to be warmed. Easy adjustment of dioptre compensation: -2.75 to 3.75 dpt, right/left can be separately adjusted, cylinder correction is not possible. Reflective objective lenses.
Supplied in hard foam case.

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MaxEvent 2.1x

MaxEvent 2.1x

The Max Event glasses feature a mirrored coating that has been applied to the lenses by a process called vapor deposition. The mirrored coating eliminates sun glare and ensures that enlarged eyes of the wearer are not visible to the external observer.

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