General purpose body positioners

Included are, e.g. cylindrical cushions, positioning wedges and back-/lumbar supports for use in beds.


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LEJRELET - set with Tube 250

LEJRELET - set with Tube 250

LEJRELET set including Tube 250, Wedge, Pad High, Pad Low and Oval. The set is delivered in a bag convenient for storing.

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Direct Healthcare Group Danmark A/S
Stensmosevej 24C
2620 Albertslund

LEJRELET - set with Tube 125

LEJRELET - set with Tube 125

LEJRELET set including Tube 125, Wedge, Pad High, Pad Low and Oval. The set is delivered in a bag convenient for storing.

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Direct Healthcare Group Danmark A/S
Stensmosevej 24C
2620 Albertslund

LEJRELET cushion set

LEJRELET cushion set

The LEJRELET cushion set includes LEJRELET - Wedge, LEJRELET - Pad High og LEJRELET - Pad Low

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Direct Healthcare Group Danmark A/S
Stensmosevej 24C
2620 Albertslund