General purpose body positioners

Included are, e.g. cylindrical cushions, positioning wedges and back-/lumbar supports for use in beds.


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Positioning Cushions for MobiBed

Positioning Cushions for MobiBed

Theese positioning cushions are made especially for use with MobiBed, but of course they can also be used in other situations.
In addition you can combine with LASAL positioning cushions.

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Cobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde

Mattress for MobiBed

Mattress for MobiBed

The mattress consists of a Tempraflex viscoelastic foam mattress, where the nest is built up using positioning cushions. This provides the real option of creating individual positioning for the user. The same cushions can also be used for positioning in a bed.

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Cobi Rehab
Silovej 16-18
2690 Karlslunde

Systam Delta cushion

Systam Delta cushion

Systam Delta Cushion for semi-fowler position. With micro-beads or polyester fiber. Removeable and washable cover.

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Wolturnus A/S
Halkærvej 24B
9240 Nibe

Systam universal cushion

Systam universal cushion

Systam universal cushion that helps support the patient, relieves the pressure on heels, knees, ankles or head. Come in two sizes. With micro-beads or polyester fiber. Removeable and wahsable cover.

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Wolturnus A/S
Halkærvej 24B
9240 Nibe

Systam lateral positioning cushion

Systam lateral positioning cushion

Lateral positioning cushion. unsures comfortable positioning of knees, pelvis and upper body. Integrated pillow. available in one size compatible with all patient sizes. With micro-beads or polyester fiber. Removeable, washable cover.

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Wolturnus A/S
Halkærvej 24B
9240 Nibe