Large sliding and turning products, manually operated

Sheets and underlays in flexible materials with low friction. Length above 80 cm.


cm (± 10 cm)
cm (± 5 cm)
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TurnSheet 150x210 cm

TurnSheet 150x210 cm

TurnSheet Mattress cover series

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Direct Healthcare Group Danmark A/S
Stensmosevej 24C
2620 Albertslund



PositioningCover is a tailored mattress cover that is used under a regular sheet for turning and repositioning higher up in bed. PositioningCover can be used with all types of mattresses and in situations where there are special requirements for user mobility in bed, for example, for bedridden users in intensive-care units.

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Direct Healthcare Group Danmark A/S
Stensmosevej 24C
2620 Albertslund