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SpaceLift, automated wardrobe lift (discontinued)
Add to My listBjørn Nielsen Rehab & Hospitalsartikler A/S
Sønderbyen 7
9510 Arden
Supplier discontinued

SPACE LIFT, electronic hangers racks (discontinued)
Hanger racks efforts for integration in standard wardrobes in widths from 40 cm. to 120 cm. Lowers the clothes hanger 75 cm. vertically from the high rent for ergonomic hire 120 to 130 cm. above floor and 40 cm. forth from the closet
Add to My listSmartHome Aps
Pi 4
8382 Hinnerup
+45 22 47 22 44
Bøjlestang (discontinued)
Add to My listBøjlestang (discontinued)
Add to My listBefas Køkkener
Christian D.IIs.Gade 16
6400 Sønderborg
Supplier discontinued
Bøjlestang (discontinued)
Add to My listSystemflex
Kongehøjen 20
6520 Toftlund
Supplier discontinued