Assistive products and tools for measuring climatic conditions

Devices for measuring/observing and identifying climatic conditions in a confined space.


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A simple, intuitive solution everyone understands. Everyones way to a healthy & comfortable day.
CLOUD lights up blue when the indoor climate is good but changes to red when the indoor climate is bad.
CLOUD measures air quality (CO2) & assesses the indoor climate on the basis of the Danish Working Environment Authoritys current recommendations.

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Valdemarsgade 49, kl. 2
1665 København V.

IKONN Indoor Thermometer

IKONN Indoor Thermometer

IKONN TI-1 is a stylish, compact digital thermometer/hygrometer for monitoring indoor temperature and humidity. The comfort indicator shows the humidity status of the room: dry, comfort or wet. It can be placed on fridge doors or other metal surfaces with its magnetic back for convenient mounting, or on a shelf by using the fold-out stand.

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Lysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre

MY Degrees

MY Degrees

MY Degrees is a danishtalking thermometer there indicates outside and inside temperature and can be used as a roasting thermometer.
Measure from minus 29 - 240 degrees.

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Butik KIK
Blekinge Boulevard 2
2630 Taastrup

MyDegrees Multifunction talking thermometer

MyDegrees Multifunction talking thermometer

MyDegrees speaking thermometer can measure inside and outside temperature and can also be used as a roasting thermometer. The temperature scale ranges from -29 degrees C to 240 degrees Celsius.

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Grøndalsvej 8, Ulbjerg
8832 Skals