Playground equipment

Indoor and outdoor structures constructed for play, without fixed rules, e.g., playhouses and swings.


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Copla Inclusive Playground Equipment

Copla Inclusive Playground Equipment

We have put together the best of our inclusive playground equipment from our manufactories. There should be a playground for all children, no matter what physical or cognitive stade they have.
We have different swings, playfacilities, and sensory and activity walls. We want to make the playground fun, challenging and learning for all children.

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Kratholmvej 63
5260 Odense S

Sensory swing

Sensory swing

Sensory swing measuring 100cm in diameter and approximately 170cm in length, the sensory swing can be hung from either a single mounting point for full 360c swinging range, or from 2 mounting points to replicate the movement of a conventional swing.

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Industrivej 1
7120 Vejle Øst

Full Support Swing Seat

Full Support Swing Seat

This high-backed swing seat incorporates a pommel and a safety harness with snap buckles. The UV-stabilized ropes have convenient hardware to help adjust the seat both in terms of height and incline, plus are long enough for 10 ft. H frames. UV-resistant seat is molded from high-density polyethylene, a strong but soft plastic.

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Industrivej 1
7120 Vejle Øst