Product series - Back App 2.0

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Back App 2.0

Back App 2.0

Back App stolen sikrer dig en aktiv og korrekt siddestilling. Stolen har en kugle, så man kan vippe roligt rundt mens der arbejdes. Det udfordrer balancen og koncentreres præcis dér, hvor vi ønsker den nemlig i ryggen. Når du sidder på Back App, må de muskler, som støtter rygsøjlen, arbejde for, at du kan holde balancen.

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Ergopartner A/S
Theilgaards Torv 3
4600 Køge

Back App 2.0 with rollers

Back App 2.0 with rollers

Back App balance chair exercises and stimulates the muscles in the abdomen and the back. The seat is designed to allow an open hip angle and relaxed position, and you automatically get a more naturally curved spinal column. The chair rests on a flexible foot base, which means that it can be used to train your balance.

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Tofte Industri 4
3200 Helsinge

Back App 2.0

Back App 2.0

The Back App balance chair exercises and stimulates the muscles in the abdomen and the back. The seat is designed to allow an open hip angle and relaxed position, and you automatically get a more naturally curved spinal column. The chair rests on a red ball, and you can adjust the balance of the chair by moving the ball.

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Tofte Industri 4
3200 Helsinge