HMI-no. - 105565

HMI-no. 105565 is found in the following product series.
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Radio controlled alarm clock with pillow vibrator

Radio controlled alarm clock with pillow vibrator

Alarm clock with radio controlled time setting. Large numbers make it suitable forlow vision and high noise (95 dB) and the pillow vibrator is the choice for people with impaired hearing / deaf. Snooze function with interval. If the clock is placed under / in the same room as your smoke alarm, it may alert you fire.

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Alarmclock TCL410

Alarmclock TCL410

Big display clock with automatic time setting, by extra loud ring and ultra-bright light signal. Detection of alarm tones from a smoke detector in the immediate vicinity (3 m) and acoustic/visual alarm forwarding and via an optional vibration pad. Extra loud alarm 95 dB - Snooze function.

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Scantone A/S
Stestrupvej 86 B
4360 Kr. Eskilstrup