HMI-no. - 26447

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Novo Cup with straw

Novo Cup with straw

Suitable for bed confinement.
You can easily drink while lying down.
- For hot and cold drinks
- Is transparent so the content is visible
- Contains up to 250 ml.
- Suitable for dishwasher, microwave and autoclave (sterilization)
- Time saving for staff
- Reduces the risk of back and muscle overload

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K.C. Pedersen
Helgeshøj Alle 10 st. th
2630 Tåstrup

Cup to bedridden

Cup to bedridden

For cold and hot drinks. Comes with lids and straws. 250 ml. For bedridden who want to be independent of help to drink. Transparent with white lids, removable suction tube that sits inside the cup. Dishwasher, microwave and autoclave. Size: 250 ml.

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