Ropox A/S
Ringstedgade 221
4700 Næstved
+45 55 75 05 00

Betty TL2
Betty TL2 is without question not only aflashlight, it is an amazing piece of engineering with unique features. 4500 lumens from such a compact design are unrivalled worldwide. Thanks to the adjustable light levels from 0.3 W to 45 W, an additional 0.8 W red light function, 1/4 inch tripod connector and 55 mm filter thread.
Add to My listLysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre
+45 43 45 14 51

Ropox A/S
Ringstedgade 221
4700 Næstved
+45 55 75 05 00

HDN - Hidden Lifting Platform
HDN is a lift that is easy to install and integrate into any room because the lifting platform is built into the floor. Its discreet design makes for an elegant inclusion into an existing building or new construction project whatever its excisting aesthetic or architectural style.
Add to My listLIFTUP A/S
Hagensvej 21
9530 Støvring
+45 96 86 30 20

Jysk Handi
Hornbjergvej 11
8543 Hornslet
+45 86 99 65 00

Piko TL
Small hand light that fits easily in most pockets with its mere 180 grams, with a built-in rechargeable battery and powerful LED light sources, providing up to 1500 lumens of light. A solution for users needing mobility light and extra illumination for everyday tasks.
Add to My listLysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre
+45 43 45 14 51

Jysk Handi
Hornbjergvej 11
8543 Hornslet
+45 86 99 65 00

Leg and arm lifts
Our arm and leg lift, which we have great success with. It is used in the handling of arms and legs or heavy lifting. Arm and leg lifter can be adjusted to various heights, so the user of it has the correct working position, which is important in relation to working environment.
Add to My listRehab-care.dk ApS
Avnvej 10
7400 Herning
+45 69 15 30 00

Etac Molded seating systems, foam (R82 Turtle)
The mold is designed according to an impression of the users body, so that it provides exactly the support that the user needs. A molded foam seat is our most comfortable solution. We can make it both as a corrective solution or a supportive solution, depending on what the need is. Can be mounted on a frame of your choice.
Add to My listEtac A/S
Parallelvej 3
8751 Gedved
+45 79 68 58 33

Etac Molded seating systems for toilet- and bath chairs (R82 Turtle)
The mold is designed according to an impression of the users body, so that it provides exactly the support that the user needs. The seat can be mounted on a frame of your choice. With a molded bath and toilet chair from Etac, hygiene is a high priority and to facilitate cleaning, the insert and seat are easy to separate.
Add to My listEtac A/S
Parallelvej 3
8751 Gedved
+45 79 68 58 33