Product groups - Demens

Product groups matching the search Demens:

AssistX Call Systems  - example from the product group personal emergency alarm systems

Personal emergency alarm systems (154 product series)

Devices either operated by the user or activated automatically in case of personal emergency. Included are, e.g. insulin alarms, fall alarms, seizure alarms for persons with epilepsy.

AI Connect Basis  - example from the product group calendars and timetables

Calendars and timetables (42 product series)

Devices for providing calendar information, with or without functions for information about planned activities or sequences related to specific time for managing one’s time in daily life. Included are, e.g. special calendar software.

Pictogram School Kit  - example from the product group assistive products for structuring periods of time, activities and personal goals

Assistive products for structuring periods of time, activities and personal goals (29 product series)

Assistive products that support structuring periods of time, activities or personal goals by clarifying cycles, sub cycles, sequences and possibly use of time but without relation to a specific time.

GPS watch Nova/Liva  - example from the product group person locators and person trackers

Person locators and person trackers (27 product series)

Systems with a reciever and a mobile transmitter intended for localization or tracking of a person.

Smoke detector  - example from the product group environmental emergency alarm systems

Environmental emergency alarm systems (22 product series)

Included are, e.g. fire alarms, smoke detectors, alarm systems with internal transmitter.

Talking photo album  - example from the product group memory support products

Memory support products (16 product series)

Devices and software to recall memories of the past, e.g. talking photo albums, or to support memory by promoting or notifying about single or multiple actions, e.g. taking medicine, executing a movement or taking measurement as part of self-monitoring.

metaCat Companion Robotic Pet Cat  - example from the product group assistive products for social training

Assistive products for social training (12 product series)

Included are, e.g. therapy dolls and social robots.

Stove guard  - example from the product group assistive products for the home to prevent burns and accidental fires

Assistive products for the home to prevent burns and accidental fires (7 product series)

Products that, e.g. switch off electrical current after a given time or when the temperature rises too high, or that defeat fires.

Televindu Plus  - example from the product group assistive products for memory training

Assistive products for memory training (3 product series)

Devices and software for training a person to remember.