Cycle adaptations
Additions or changes made to cycles to facilitate their operation. Included are, e.g. additional motors, trainer wheels.12 18 21 01
Support wheels
(2 product series)Support wheels for mounting onto bicycles.
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Specially designed saddles, seats and body supports for cycles
(7 product series)Cycle saddles and seats with special features and body supports for cycles.
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Equipment for transporting goods on cycles
(4 product series)Including cycle baskets, panniers, boxes and walking stick holders.
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Pedals and pedal arms
(11 product series)Pedals and pedal arms with specal features.
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Propulsion units for cycles
(1 product series)Small power units to convert an ordinary or a special cycle into a powered cycle.
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Other cycle adaptations
(7 product series)E.g., saddle post, handlebars, foot boards, reverse gear.