Calendars and timetables

Devices for providing calendar information, with or without functions for information about planned activities or sequences related to specific time for managing one’s time in daily life. Included are, e.g. special calendar software. Office software and industrial software, see 28 21 12.
22 28 06 01

Calendar and timetable software

(8 product series)
Software designed for computers, tablets, smartphones or smartwatches to give calendar information and/or with functions which inform the user about planned activities or sequences related to specific time.

22 28 06 02

Electronic calendars and timetables

(15 product series)
Electronic devices to give calendar information and/or with functions which inform the user about planned activities or sequences related to specific time.

22 28 06 03

Printed calendars

(7 product series)
Calendars in paper format to give calendar information and/or with a layout designed to inform the user about planned activities or sequences related to specific time.