Devices for grasping
Non-body-worn products for grasping an object that replace the gripping function of the hands. Included are tweezers. Assistive products for extended reach, see 24 21. Assistive products for carrying and gripping workpieces and tools, see 28 12 03.24 18 03 02
(6 product series)Devices for grasping small objects.
24 18 03 03
Universal grips
(4 product series)Devices for grasping with moveable pins that grasp around e.g. control knobs of various shapes.
24 18 03 04
Devices for grasping pots, plates, and the like
(2 product series)Loose grips that grasp around the edge of pots, plates or similar objects.
24 18 03 05
Other devices for grasping
(11 product series)Other products for grasping an object which replace the gripping function of the hands.