Requirement specification - Window openers and window closers - Step 1 of 3

This tool helps you drawing up a requirement specification for a selected product type.

Product type

18 21 06 02 - Window openers and window closers.
Devices, manual or electronic, that facilitate opening and closing windows.

Type of requirement specification

What type of requirement specification do you need?


Chose type 1 if you need a requirement specification to select one product for one person. The generator will guide you to specify requirements for product measures matching the specific person, who will be using the product, which may depend on the height, the weight, the inside leg measure etc. of the person.

Chose type 2 if you need a requirement specification for a purchasing agreement comprising an assortment, e.g. products with mutual basic properties in various sizes, so that the assortment can meet the needs for the target group you are purchasing for.