Guides - assistive products for self-care activities and participation in self-care

Guides relateret til produktgruppen Assistive products for self-care activities and participation in self-care. Klik på alle guides for at udvide listen til at vise alle guides i Hjælpemiddelbasen.

Par uden tøj siddende på seng

Assistive Products for Sexual Activities

If you experience limitations in relation to sexual activities, you can learn more in this guide on various assistive products that can support your sex life.

Mand som benytter toiletforhøjer

Raised toilet seats

If you have difficulties getting up from or sitting down on the toilet, a raised toilet seat may be helpful. This guide describes different types of raised toilet seats and explains what you need to consider when choosing a raised toilet seat.

Kvinde på toilet med skylle- og tørrefunktion

Toilet seats with douche and air drying function

This guide is about toilet seats with douche and air drying function for those who have difficulty managing their personal hygiene independently and wish to avoid needing assistance from others.

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