Guides - assistive products for communication and information management

Guides relateret til produktgruppen Assistive products for communication and information management. Klik på alle guides for at udvide listen til at vise alle guides i Hjælpemiddelbasen.

Person med GPS-baseret orienteringshjælpemiddel

Assistive Products for Electronic Orientation

Persons with reduced sight or cognitive difficulties may experience challenges in relation to finding their way and orientate. There are various assistive products for electronic orientation, which may be of assistance. In this guide, you will get a general idea of the various types and their functions.

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SmartAT for Household and Daily Life

More and more tools for household and daily living are connected to the internet, use sensors, voice control, GPS, Bluetooth, etc. These products are often referred to as SmartHome technology, and they are used to facilitate household chores and daily tasks. For people with disabilities, these products can enable activities that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to perform. In that sense, the products can function as assistive products Smart Assistive Technology (SmartAT).

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