Standards for Testing - single-use inserts for adults, light urinary incontinence
Standards related to the product group Single-use inserts for adults, light urinary incontinence. Click all standards to display the full list of standards related to assistive products.Relaterede produktgrupper:
Pads insert type for children, single-use
Products for children with fastener system, single-use
Products for children resembling underwear, single-use
Products insert type, single-use
Products with fastener system, single-use
Products resembling underwear, single-use
Pads with belt as fastener system, single-use
Pads to contain urine, with adhesive strip, single use
Pouches for male to contain urine, single-use
Pads for male to contain urine, with preformed shape, single use
Pads without waterproof backing, single-use
Absorbent products, washable

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