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Ramp Ebl

18 30 15 09 - Ramps

The product serie includes 10 products. 3 of these products are discontinued from the supplier.

Specifications summarized

Specifications for the 10 products in the product series. Click a HMI-no. to see all details for a single product.

Product 1 - 10
Length adjustableNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Non-slip surface----------
Indoor use----------
Outdoor use----------
Lip, top----------
Lip, bottom----------
Carrying handle----------
Load, max (kg) info
For both track ramps and ramps please state the allowed load pr. item.
Weight (kg)891113161216202327
Actual length in use, min (cm) info
The minimum length in use of the ramp excluding lips
Actual length in use, max (cm) info
The maximum length in use of the ramp excluding lips
Transportation length (cm)----------
Transportation width (cm)----------
Internal width (cm)----------