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Knæpose, Thinsulate

09 03 05 12 - Knee covers


The product series contains 12 products.
The product series also includes 2 discontinued products. Include discontinued products.

Specifications summarized

Specifications for the 12 products in the product series. Click a HMI-no. to see all details for a single product.

Product 1 - 10
Sizebarn/ juniorbarn/ juniorbarn/ juniorbarn/ juniorbarn/ juniorbarn/ juniorbarn/ juniorsmallmediumx-large
Encompass the feetYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Length at the front (cm)626976839097103110116119
Length at the back (cm)24273133353841404467

Product 11 - 12
Encompass the feetYesYes
Length at the front (cm)122125
Length at the back (cm)4851