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Happy Rehab - Game Pack

Happy Rehab - Game Pack
Game Pack is the game package for the experienced user who wants challenge and entertainment at the same time. Including games/exercises that challenge cognitive as well as motor skills. Using combined left and right leg movements, the user can, for example, steer a car around obstacles. Points are scored by collecting stars along the way.

04 48 15 11 - Other excercise devices

The product series contains 2 products.

Product 1 of 2
Happy Rehab - Game Pack (Enterprise)


Registration date
Last updated

Test information
No information about tests according to standards info
The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type

EU product safety regulation 
No information about CE-marking info
The supplier has not provided any information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking

Other specifications
This interprice license is valid for up to 24 users. Game Pack is specially developed for Happy Rehab and can only operate with this system and a PC.

Product 2 of 2
Happy Rehab - Game Pack (Single user)


Registration date
Last updated

Test information
No information about tests according to standards info
The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type

EU product safety regulation 
No information about CE-marking info
The supplier has not provided any information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking

Other specifications
Single user license. Game Pack is specially developed forHappy Rehab and can only operate with this system and a PC.