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Mobilize Me

Mobilize Me brings all resource persons about the disabled and support an effective and coordinated efforts with visual structure on smartphones and/or tablet PCs.
The resource team can reuse each others work and influence the structure from a distance, for example the individuals own home and create a less stressful life.

22 28 06 01 - Calendar and timetable software

The product series contains 3 products.

Specifications summarized

Specifications for the 3 products in the product series. Click a HMI-no. to see all details for a single product.

Product 1 - 3
Administration accountYesYesYes
Platform, computerYesYesYes
Platform, tabletYesYesYes
Platform, smartphoneYesYesYes
Alarm or reminder functionsYesYesYes
Can be used on Android operating system YesYesYes
Can be used on iOS/OS X operating systemYesYesYes
Can be used on Windows operating system YesYesYes