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Tanita scales for Body analysis

Tanita scales for Body analysis
Tanita is a leading manufacturer of scales for body analysis. By means of electrical impedance method allows to determine the body composition of water, fat, muscles. This information is presented in different levels of detail on the various models.

04 24 27 07 - Body analysis appliances

The product series contains 1 product.
The product series also includes 2 discontinued products. Include discontinued products.

Product 1 of 1
Tanita SC-240MA


Registration date
Last updated

BMI (body mass index)

Maximum weighing capacity

Test information
No information about tests according to standards info
The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type

EU product safety regulation 
No information about CE-marking info
The supplier has not provided any information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking

Other specifications
Offering in-depth individual analysis of body composition with clinically proven accuracy provides a clearer picture than BMI alone as it highlights specific fat loss which is known to be more beneficial than just weight loss. The monitor also has a USB port allowing the highly repeatable data to be easily transferred to Tanita Health Ware software