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Reacher, Helping Handi

Reacher, Helping Handi
Reacher, Helping Handi
Gribetangens lange skaft gør, at du slet ikke behøver at bøje dig for at samle ting op fra gulvet. Den kan gribe fat i alt lige fra helt tyndt papir til nøgler, da den har en magnet monteret for enden. Har du en rollator, er det muligt at hægte gribetangen fast på den.

24 21 03 01 - Gripping tongs, active

The product series contains 2 products.

Specifications summarized

Specifications for the 2 products in the product series. Click a HMI-no. to see all details for a single product.

Product 1 - 2
Fitted with magnetYesYes
Fitted with shoe hornNoNo
Fitted with dressing hookNoNo
Revolvable clawNoNo
Length (cm)6681
Weight (g)198230