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Multilens Cover Kid Black

Multilens Cover Kid Black
COVER Kid Filter Glasses can be used as SunCover in addition to existing glasses. The hat shelf at the top of the frame as well as the filter shield at the side prevent glare nuisance. Manufactured in Blue, Red and Black and comes with 31 different standard filter combinations including photochromatic (max gray 65) in different item numbers.

22 03 03 02 - Glare control filter glasses


The product series contains 42 products.

Specifications summarized

Specifications for the 42 products in the product series. Click a HMI-no. to see all details for a single product.

Product 31 - 40
Can be used over other glassesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes
Automatic change of colourNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo
Side protectionYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYes

Product 41 - 42
Can be used over other glassesYesYes
Automatic change of colourNoNo
Side protectionYesYes

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