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Grid Pad 12

12,5 dedicated device, symbol and text communication, AAC-aid
15 hours battery life
Built-in radio and infrared Environment Control
Easy to use and edit, remote editing
Ready for use with eye gaze, switches, touch, and USB devices
Symbols SymbolStix, PCS etc

22 21 09 06 - Communicators


The product series contains 2 products.

Specifications summarized

Specifications for the 2 products in the product series. Click a HMI-no. to see all details for a single product.

Product 1 - 2
Speech time per field one minute or moreYesNo
Core messages info
Messages present in all levels
Media playback info
E.g., audio books and music
Grid overlayYesNo
Automatic scanningYesNo
Directed scanningYesNo
Environmental controlYesNo
Input/output ports for external unitsYesYes
Minimum number of activation fields (stk.)11
Maximum number of activation fields (stk.)5002
Weight (g)2700250