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Blake Bold

Blake Bold
The Geo-Matrix Bold cushion is a heavy duty design, that offers comfort and durability for bariatric use. The cushion provides maximum presure redistribution for clients with among others high risk of skin breakdown.

04 33 03 06 - Gel cushions with solid gel for pressure-sore prevention


The product series contains 9 products.

Specifications summarized

Specifications for the 9 products in the product series. Click a HMI-no. to see all details for a single product.

Product 1 - 9
Intended for children info
Products for children must comply with the specific demands for safety as stated in certain standards. It is the supplier of the product who has stated that the product is intended for children. The National Board of Social Services holds no responsibility in relation to this assessment.
The cushion as a whole is machine washableYesYesYesYesYesYesNoYesYes
Width (cm)515156565661616666
Depth (cm) info
Corresponding to the seat depth of the chair
Height (cm)111111111111111111
Weight (g)600070007500800080008500850090009000
User weight, max (kg)272272272272272272272272272