Lower limb orthoses

Orthoses designed to modify the structural and functional characteristics of the neuromusculoskeletal systems of the lower limb.
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Deramed Sniper

Deramed Sniper

The knit protector is made of soft silicone, which provides relief and protection to the base of the big toe where the knot is formed. At the same time it separates the toes and helps the big toe back in place.

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Gel heel wedge

Gel heel wedge

Heel wedge in viscoelastic polymer, with welded textile on the upper side, as relief for heel rail.
Located in pairs, right and left

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DeRoyal Knee

DeRoyal Knee

Anatomically designed knee replacement. Counteracts general knee problems and treats easier
inflamationer. 2 flexible metal rails provide medial and lateral support.
With a hole at the patella.

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Deramed teardrops

Deramed teardrops

Stable teardrop, held in place by a ring.
Can also be used for other toes.
Little more powerful spreader that will be in place.

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