
Clothing for outdoor use, typically worn over other clothes, to protect a person against uncomfortable temperatures, wind and all types of precipitation. Included are, e.g. coats for outdoor use; ponchos and wraps.


Products for children must comply with the specific demands for safety as stated in certain standards. It is the supplier of the product who has stated that the product is intended for children. The National Board of Social Services holds no responsibility in relation to this assessment.
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All over poncho with sleeves

All over poncho with sleeves

Allover is very easy to pull over your head, as it has a very large opening in the front. Can be pulled all the way own the the foot rest and can be closed behind the legs. Comes with a detachable hood.
Color: Black
Material: Microfiber
Wash at 60 dgrs.
Tumble dryer safe

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Shoulder Jacket

Shoulder Jacket

Shoulder Jacket for wheelchair users
Sleeveholes that can be closed and placed flexible.
Removeable Hood.

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Poncho for wheelchair

Poncho for wheelchair

Poncho which covers the legs and feet. The poncho are fastened behind the back.

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Rain poncho

Rain poncho

Rain poncho in exclusive material with distinct reflex edges, chest pockets and strong zipper. Extra Long on the front to cover the knees when sitting. Armholes are designed, so winning does not penetrate. The hood is with warm fleece.

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Rolko Thermo

Rolko Thermo

The Premium Body Warmer for Wheelchairs consist of water-repellent polyester. This makes it ideal for cold and rainy weather. Non fuzzing lining from polar fleece provides pleasant warmth. The Rolko Thermo comfortably and anatomically shaped, has a complete circular zipper and is availble in two sizes
Comes with anti-slip reverse side

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Rolko Scandinavia ApS
Suensonsvej 2
8600 Silkeborg

Wheelchair cover

Wheelchair cover

Practical wheelchair cover for use with wheelchairs and electric scooter.
Dimensions 115 x 145 cm. marine
Open bottom.
Closes with velcro.
Driving battle is waterproof.

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