
Clothing for outdoor use, typically worn over other clothes, to protect a person against uncomfortable temperatures, wind and all types of precipitation. Included are, e.g. coats for outdoor use; ponchos and wraps.


Products for children must comply with the specific demands for safety as stated in certain standards. It is the supplier of the product who has stated that the product is intended for children. The National Board of Social Services holds no responsibility in relation to this assessment.
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Daro Omega Raincap

Daro Omega Raincap

The raincap is intended for use in a wheelchair with headrest. The raincap covers the user from top to foot and also covers the backrest. The raincap has sleeves, hood with is shape-sewn, has a hood with laces and a zipper in the front. The raincap has elastic at the edge - all the way around.

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Model Neptun raincap

Model Neptun raincap

The raincap is shape-sewn, has a hood with elastic in the edge. In the front the raincap has a slit and a pocket with velcro closing. At the sleeves there is elastic around the wrist.

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Daro knee blanket

Daro knee blanket

The knee blanket can be accessed with zippers in each
side from the knees down to the isolated foot plate.
The bags front ends at the waist, while the heel
ends with a soft cloth below the knees.

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Daro wheelchair cosy-wrap facon II

Daro wheelchair cosy-wrap facon II

The Wheelchair cosy-wrap Model II is shape-sewn with detatchable top part. The top part is connected to the lower part with 2 open-ended zippers. The zippers start at the waist and are zipped together at the bottom plate. The outer material is a wind and water reststant PU-material. The isolation is - either made of polyester or Thinsulate.

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Water ressistant poncho with foer. Delivered in a storage bag.

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