Body-worn assistive products for body protection

Equipment to prevent injury to parts of the body. Assistive products intended to manage tissue integrity, see 04 33. Personal protective equipment for workplaces, see 28 24 03.
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Protective coating, feet/lower leg

Protective coating, feet/lower leg

Protective coating for bandages or plaster, for the feet / lower legs. 59 cm long. Do not use for use in open or unprotected wounds. Not suitable for swimming.

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Decuheel is comfortable to wear on the foot, both directly against the skin and wearing a bandage. Thanks to the unique moisture diffusing plastic foil it will never be too warm but will always feel comfortable. Decuheel is patient specific and disposable. It and can be used for a period of time for the same patient. Prevents drop foot.

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Axel Madsen A/S
Højnæsgaard Gøngehusvej 252
2950 Vedbæk